Quote of the Day

Luke: Yeah well, can I get you anything?

Lorelai: Oh, um, do you think you could make those really crazy chocolate chip pancakes and go extra heavy on the chocolate?

Luke: Yeah sure, any special occasion?

Lorelai: Dean broke up with Rory.

Luke: What?!

Lorelai: Keep it down, she doesn’t want anybody to know about it.

Luke: Oh I knew it, I just knew that kid was trouble.

Lorelai: Yes you did, you knew it. Pancakes please.

Luke: Oh God, he’s got a nerve. I mean what does he think he’s gonna do better than Rory? Is he crazy? Jeez. Alright, well forget it ok. Good riddance, adios, bienvenidos, hasta la vista.

Lorelai: Could we get off the small world ride and start cooking please?

Luke: How is she?

Lorelai: She’s been dumped by her first boyfriend.

Luke: Oh man, I swear I would love to — ok, I’m gonna put some whipped cream on the pancakes too.

(a few minutes later)

Luke: More coffee? Pancakes are coming right up, anything else I can get you?

Rory: No thanks.

Luke: Hey I’ve got some strawberries back there, you like strawberries don’t you?

Rory: Yeah I like strawberries but —

Luke: I’m getting you strawberries. 

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 17 — “The Breakup, Part 2”

Quote of the Day

(Lorelai has been set up on a awful blind date by her mother and has resorted to climbing out her old bedroom window when her father walks in…)

Richard: Lorelai, your mother wants to know if…

Lorelai: Hi daddy. Okay, I know this is bad. And I know this probably brings back all the horrible aspects of my childhood life for you. And see, I’m really sorry that we fought last week, and I’m really sorry that you’re so disappointed in me, and I really wish there was something I can do to fix that, but there probably isn’t and I can accept that because I am an adult now and I am proud of who I have become. But I am begging you, please, please do not make me go back down there because that guy is boring.

Richard: Emily, she’s not up here!

Lorelai: Thank you Daddy.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 16 — “Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers”

Quote of the Day

Lorelai: I don’t know what is wrong with me. This is a beautiful festival. People should be enjoying it.

Luke: It’s a crazy festival based on a nutty myth about two lunatics, who in all probability did not even exist. And even if they did, probably dropped dead of diphtheria before age 24. The town of Stars Hollow probably got its name from the local dance hall prostitute. Two rich drunk guys who made up the story to make it look good on a poster.

Lorelai: You are full of hate and loathing, and I gotta tell you, I love it!

Luke: Oh, it’s so good to have somebody share this hate with.

Lorelai: My pleasure.

Luke: More coffee?

Lorelai: Yeah please. Hey, tomorrow, if you have time, I’m planning on despising everyone who says ‘Hey, how’s it going?’

Luke: You’re on.

Rachel: Hey, how’s it going?

Lorelai: Oh, now that’s just too easy.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 16 — “Star-crossed Lovers and Other Strangers”

Quote of the Day

(Lorelai painted Luke’s Diner.)

Luke: What the —

Lorelai: Taa-daa!

Luke: How’d you get in here?

Lorelai: Your bread guy let me in.

Luke: I’m switching bread guys.

Lorelai: What do you think?

Luke: I think you shouldn’t break and enter.

Lorelai: So what do you think?

Luke: Well I gotta admit… it looks pretty good.

Lorelai: Oh, I knew you’d like it.

Luke: Thanks.

Lorelai: Anytime. It’s fun.

Luke: So, uh, where’s the guy?

Lorelai: Oh he’s gone.

Luke: Oh, too bad.

Lorelai: We’ll be fine. Luke?

Luke: Yeah?

Lorelai: Um, can I make one more suggestion?

Luke: No.

Lorelai: Curtains?

Luke: No.

Lorelai: Manly curtains.

Luke: Oxymoron.

Lorelai: What did you call me?

Luke: No curtains.

Lorelai: Aw come on. You gotta give a little. How about a tablecloth?

Luke: No. We don’t do tablecloths here.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 15 — “Christopher Returns”

Quote of the Day

(in the middle of an awkward dinner conversation)

Lorelai: I hate president Bush.

Straub: What?

Emily: Lorelai!

Christopher: Oh boy.

Lorelai: He’s stupid and his face is too tiny for his head and I just want to toss him out.

Straub: That is the leader of our country young lady.

Richard: Ignore her. 

Francine: His face is too tiny for his head, what kind of thing is that to say?

Straub: I see your daughter is just as out of control as ever.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 15 — “Christopher Returns”

Quote of the Day

Luke: So Rory was at the game today.

Lorelai: Oh yeah.

Luke: Yeah she was with some guy.

Lorelai: Dean.

Luke: No, I know that punk. Some older guy.

Lorelai: Oh, that would’ve been her dad.

Luke: Really? So that’s uh….

Lorelai: The guy who impregnated me with Rory – yes.

Luke: Oh, well, he did a good job.

Lorelai: Impregnating me with Rory?

Luke: Now this has taken a very weird turn.

Lorelai: Yeah.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 15 — “Christopher Returns”

Quote of the Day

Taylor: Damn motorcycles, they’re a scourge.

Rory: Yeah.

Lorelai: Yeah.

Taylor: They’re loud, they’re dangerous. We should ban them from town.

Lorelai: Maybe we should set up barricades and ban all unwelcome strangers from crossing the border.

Taylor: (excited) Well! (disappointed) Well, no we couldn’t do that, that would be illegal.

Lorelai: Darn laws.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 14 — “That Damn Donna Reed”

Quote of the Day

Lorelai: What’s going on?

Richard: Oh, your mother and I have just secured a place on Martha’s Vineyard.

Rory: Really, that’s great!

Lorelai: I thought you lost your old place.

Emily: We did. But this afternoon we found out that Arthur Roundtree had died.

Richard: He’d been drinking.

Emily: So we got on the phone and snatched that place up.

Richard: Oh, it’s a fine piece of property.

Emily: Much better than our usual place.

Lorelai: The both of you are going directly to hell, I hope you know that.

Richard: Well, at least we’ll be well rested.

Lorelai: Touché.

Gilmore Girls – Season 1: Episode 14 – “That Damn Donna Reed”

Quote of the Day

Lorelai: Hello?


Luke? Stella got out and I don’t know — do I put seed on the floor? Do I make cheeping sounds? Or do I pull a Lucy Ricardo and walk like a chicken so she thinks I’m her mother?

Who the hell is this?

What do you mean who is this? It’s Lorelai. Who else would call you looking for her baby chick?

You’re right. I’m the idiot. Go on.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 14 — “That Damn Donna Reed”

Quote of the Day

Rory: Can brains hurt?

Lorelai: Yes, it’s hypochondria hour.

Rory: No, I’m serious. Last night when I was reading my biology chapters I distinctly heard a ping in the vicinity of my brain.

Lorelai: Your brain pinged?

Rory: Yeah. It just went like “dink.”

Lorelai: Well then, honey, your brain dinked. It didn’t ping.

Rory: Well I don’t think a dinking brain is any less worrisome than a pinging brain.

Lorelai: Well, you got me there.

Rory: So should I go to a tumor doctor?

Lorelai: No, you don’t have a tumor. You’re reading too much. You’re probably just losing your eyesight.

Rory: Thank you.

Lorelai: You’re welcome.

Gilmore Girls — Season 1: Episode 14 — “That Damn Donna Reed”