Quote of the Day

Jayne: Boy’s going to get us killed. Let’s just do this deal and git.

Mal: His disguise ain’t half as funny as yours. Who’re you supposed to be, anyway?

Wash: You haven’t been here in years, Jayne. You really think you need that getup? No one’s going to remember you.

Mal: I think it’s possible they might.

(they come across Jayne’s statue)

Simon: Son of a bitch.

Firefly — Episode 7 — Jaynestown

Quote of the Day

Kaylee: Captain, don’t you think Simon should come with us?

Simon: What? Oh, Kaylee, I don’t—I don’t think that…

Book: You go on, boy. See the sights. I can watch over your sister. I believe we’ve been developing a rapport.

(River acts all sweet, innocent, and well-behaved…)

Simon: I—I don’t know, River can be…

Book: Go on. I’m a Shepherd, after all. I should be able to keep my eye on a flock of one.

Mal: I’m not going that far, Doctor, and you might maybe make yourself useful.

Jayne: Come again?

Mal: The management here don’t take kindly to sight-seers, which is why we’re posing as buyers. There ain’t a one of us looks the part more than the good Doctor. I mean, the pretty fits… soft hands, definitely a moneyed individual. All rich and lily-white, pasty all over…

Simon: All right. Fine. I’ll go. Just stop describing me.

Firefly — Episode 7 — Jaynestown

Quote of the Day

Wash: We got it. It’s not pretty, but we can steer enough to turn the hell around.

Mal: Nice work, Kaylee.

Kaylee: Not soon enough to help.

Mal: Hey. Lot easier to pull things apart than it is put ’em right. You’re still the best mechanic floatin’.

(Mal kisses the top of Kaylee’s head.)

Wash: Captain, didn’t you know kissin’ girls makes you sleepy?

Mal: Well sometimes I just can’t help myself.

Firefly — Episode 6 — “Our Mrs. Reynolds”

Quote of the Day

Mal: Yeah but she had professional… So in my case, it was really… (to Book) You woulda kissed her, too.

Zoe: Wash didn’t.

Mal: But she was naked! And all… articulate!

Wash: Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere!

Firefly — Episode 6 — “Our Mrs. Reynolds”

Quote of the Day

Mal: Listen, Saffron… it ain’t a question of pleasing me. It’s more a question of what’s, um, of what’s morally right.

Saffron: I do know my bible, sir. On the night of their betrothal the wife shall open to the man as the furrow to the plow. He shall work in her again and again, til she bring him to his full. And rest him then upon the sweat of her breast.

Mal: Whoa. Good bible.

Firefly — Episode 6 — “Our Mrs. Reynolds”

Quote of the Day

Mal: Hey! You’re, uh… uh… well, there you are.

Saffron: I’ve made the bed warm for you.

Mal: It looks, uh, warm.

Saffron: And I’ve made myself ready for you.

Mal: Let’s ride right past the part where you explain exactly what that means. Didn’t you see you got a room of your own?

Saffron: And I’m to sleep there?

Mal: That’s the notion. Assuming you’re… yeah… sleepy.

Saffron: But we’ve been wed. Aren’t we to become one flesh?

Mal: Well, no, uh… We’re still two fleshes here, and I think that your flesh ought to sleep somewhere else.

Saffron: I’m sorry. When we talked I’d hoped, but I don’t — 

(she lets the sheet that’s covering her fall)

Mal: (looking away) Whoa, hey! Flesh…

Firefly — Episode 6 — “Our Mrs. Reynolds”

Quote of the Day

Jayne: There’s times I think you don’t take me seriously. I think that ought to change.

Mal: Do you think it’s likely to?

Jayne: You got something you don’t deserve.

Mal: And it’s brought me a galaxy of fun, I’m here to tell ya.

Jayne: Six men came to kill me one time. The best of ’em carried this. It’s a Callahan full-bore autolock. Customized trigger, double-cartridge thorough gauge… It is my very favorite gun. (holds it out to Mal)

Mal: …Dàxiàng bàozhà shì de lādùzi (“The explosive diarrhea of an elephant”), you offering me a trade?!

Jayne: A trade?! Hell, it’s theft. It’s the best damn gun made by man. It has extreme sentimental value. It’s miles more worthy than what you got.

Mal: What I got? She has a name.

Jayne: So does this. I call it Vera.

Mal: Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

Firefly – Episode 6 – “Our Mrs. Reynolds”

Quote of the Day

Mal: You know what, you all are makin’ a big deal. I would appreciate it if someone on this boat would not assume that I’m an evil lecherous hun dan (bastard).

Zoe: Nobody’s saying that, sir.

Wash: Yeah, we’re pretty much just giving each other significant glances and laughing incessantly.

Firefly — Episode 6 — “Our Mrs. Reynolds”