Review: Inside Out

Why do we think what we think and feel what we feel?  What determines who we are and how we respond to life’s circumstances?  How can the same memory be joyous sometimes and sad at others?  Where do ideas come from?  What happens to the things we’ve forgotten?  Why does the jingle from that chewing gum commercial always get stuck in your head?  Why are dreams so weird?  Just what, exactly, is going on in people’s heads?  These are some of the many questions Pixar’s latest film, Inside Out, sets out to explore.  The result is one of the most charming, heartfelt, and poignant films the studio has ever created, as well as one of the most creative movies of all time.  It will not only make you laugh and cry, but then it’ll make you stop and consider why you just laughed and cried.

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